Sunday, December 13, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents China Doll Music By Julian Cope

Hello everyone.. Its me. Samuel J Desantos. Here is a music video my Production team S.0.P.G. has made. My latest concoction. Its called China Doll and the music is by a very talented Musical Artist called Julian Cope. He is very Talented and really amazing. I think every woman and man should see this video. There just isn't enough women on American TV. We need to fight to get more women Air Time in America. It's funny that I have to rely on "Russia Today" (Russia's News Agency) to see a Woman on TV for more then 40 minutes with her own show! My Choice of music for this song also was my way of expressing how you shouldn't throw your pearls to swine. As was the case in America, with its advanced over consumerism, and Greed. Thanks. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Mr. Jack Music By System of A Down

S.0.P.G. Presents Mr. Jack Music By System of A Down. This video is very controversial for the reason that many people like to make excuses for police officers and Generals! Excuses that can spiral out of control! These excuses include excusing someone that doesn't get a burger right multiple times, or justifying racism, or ignoring an Air plane that hits a building and then ignoring a jet that slams into a military base in the Ukraine! Its just another burger, its just another black guy! Its just another 747, its just the Ukraine ( A New NATO Member) . Yeah, I don't think so!! Some cops just shouldn't be cops and some doctors shouldn't be doctors and some Generals Shouldn't be Generals.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

S.0.P.G. Welcomes Fix 9/11: 911 to the team!

We will be making lots of music videos to come. These music videos will be about love of course! Full filling our main goal here at S.0.P.G. Of Course Love is the only form of control when there are balances and equality in place! Fix 9/11: 911 is a working partner with S.0.P.G. We are working together in Making S.0.P.G. Strong and a better company! Fix 9/11: 911 will be making videos about the broken 911 system in this country and how it is non existent after 9/11. Also we will be making a video showing how the Generals in Iraq and Afghanistan need to take their "skull cap tea" because they are brainless!

Thanks to all our fans!!!

Peace out

Samuel J Desantos

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents A.D.D. Music By System Of A Down

S.0.P.G. Presents A.D.D. Music By System Of A Down. This video is very controversial. I'll start off by saying everyone has a right to protest the Federal Government! Everyone also has a right to petition the government for grievances. If The Redress of grievances are not met! Then you have the right as citizens to bare arms. This is also why most people burn the American flag! Also Everyone has the right in the protest to burn whatever flag they want! Even if it means burning a flag half way! This is a constitutional right supported by the first amendment of the United States Of America!

Thank You.. And Enjoy!

Monday, October 26, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents In Time Music By Wolfsheim

This video was very fun to Direct. I love this video a lot. It really represents what happens In Time, I love working with time lapse!! I would love to go on a trip through Africa with a camera like this. I wonder how long that would take to shoot!

Check it out! :D

Sunday, October 11, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Cuts Like A Knife Music By Rockwell

S.0.P.G. Presents Cuts Like A Knife Music By Rockwell. This is endearing love at its best! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Ass Itch Music By KoRn

Hey everyone.. S.0.P.G. is proud to present Ass Itch. Our Latest music video for the band Korn. I enjoyed working on this project since it was for a good cause. Its really good to spread the word about rectal cancer and awareness of hemorrhoids and other ass itch problems. Some times people live their lives and forget about taking care of them selves before its too late! Remember that eating a balanced diet is the best way to keep your body and mind healthy!

Enjoy & Thank you for your time

Samuel J Desantos

Saturday, September 26, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents "P.L.U.C.K." Music By System Of A Down

S.0.P.G. Just finished production on our latest music video for System Of A Down. The Music Video is called "P.L.U.C.K". The only response to genocide is a "Revolution"! Although, Any Form Of Revolution Is Now Viewed As Marxist and Communist By The US Government! Carl Marx was Just One Man However, These protesters can be a million if we want to! Forget Cuba, Forget Russia, This is about whats happening here at home in the USA! The lyrics in this song really ring true! Even after the events of 9/11/2001. The U.S. Government still, will not tell the people the truth! They are committing genocide in broad day light here in the USA and in Iraq! There needs to be a new 9/11 commission into this matter!

Thanks Everyone!

Samuel J Desantos

Monday, September 21, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Animal I Have Become Music By Three Days Grace

S.0.P.G. Presents Animal I Have Become Music By Three Days Grace. This video depicts some graphic scenes of Animal / Human hybrids being kept in captivity. This type of lab testing needs to end! Anyway.. Enjoy!

Monday, September 7, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Ever Be Music By KoRn

Hi guys, S.0.P.G. just finished production on Ever Be Music by KoRn. Yes, this video was directed by Samuel J Desantos. The current sitting pope as of 2009 will Burn in Hell! Enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Once Upon A Time Music By KoRn

Hi everyone.. S.0.P.G. just finished production on Once Upon A Time by KoRn. This video was very deep.. It was very interesting directing this video for me since I am feeling the same way about God. I guess what I can say is we need less people stifling my voice and my ways of expression. It makes me sick to think we have political figures out there right now trying to stop people from reading about dating and finding the one they love. We need to do something about this and now! This is not Christian and its not Human as far as im concerned. We can't have any more Sarah Palins running around telling us we can't read about dating women!! Are you with me?? Good. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Happy Nation Music By Ace Of Base

S.0.P.G. Just finished wrapping up production on Happy Nation Music By Ace Of base. This Video was directed By Samuel J Desantos as a reminder for everyone to smile and be happy. There are answers to our every day problems. Enjoy.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents It's on (Chinese Version) Music By KoRn

This video was Directed and Produced my Samuel J Desantos. It really shows the power of the Chinese Military. America's Military is one of the worst in the world, Currently in last place. I ask that everyone donate some money to the very needy US Military. A donation to the Salvation Army will benefit a soldier in need. Thank you.

Samuel J Desantos.

Monday, July 6, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Angel Music By Rammstein

S.0.P.G. Just finished Production on Angel Music by Rammstein. This is for all the christian Vampires... Still praying...Also remember to eat lots and lots of garlic its really really good for you! 100% Natural Antibiotic. I take it very chance i get! May the really good christian vampires get a nice new grill for their teeth. Especially the half Vampires! Entities like me! Also, my friend blade hates you still, he doesn't like paying high taxes! Yes I said it.. even after "911"!! DON'T DEAD LOVE. Oh and "911face" didn't do this video, Samuel J Desantos Directed and Produced it.

P.S. If you get a chance, go and watch the movie. Once upon a time in the west! Its a really good movie.

Friday, June 26, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Bring Me To Life Music By Evanescence

S.0.P.G. Presents Bring Me To Life Music By Evanescence. This video was directed and produced to help the people of the Ukraine deal with the struggles that happened after reactor 4 erupted and caused a meltdown in the town of Chernobyl. Many Men Risked their lives to film this footage. I Directed this video to show.. that you are nothing without love and someones gentle touch. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents "Skull Cap Kills 911" (KoRn Promo)

S.0.P.G. Presents "Skull Cap Kills 911" (KoRn Promo). This Video was not Made by 911face. This Video was made by Samuel J Desantos. This video is meant for anyone still dealing with issues regarding the events of September 911Th 2001 and also anyone who didn't get 911 treatment before then. I fall under this category myself since I was involved in an accident and was never given Emergency Treatment. Also this is to help combat Human Trafficking by placing sanctions on the USA. YES, THE USA IS DOING NOTHING ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING INCLUDING THE DMV NOW! THE DMV IS NOW ON MY WATCH LIST OF PLACES THAT ARE CONDONING HUMAN TRAFFICKING BY RAISING THE FEES AND TAXES ON NORMAL WORKING AMERICANS LIKE ME AND YOU. SHAME ON AMERICA AND SHAME ON THE DMV!

This Video Is Also For My Baby Girl Ghost.. I Love You And You Are Always In My Dreams. Yours Truly

Samuel J Desantos

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

S.0.P.G. Welcomes 911Face To The Team

S.0.P.G. Welcomes 911Face to the team. 911Face Will be making some Music videos for S.0.P.G. 911Face is a very talented Artist and has done many art pieces in the past, he has amazing courage and his 911Face always shows it every day. His Struggles to survive his injuries shows his courage.. especially after 911Face. I don't really want to label what kind of videos he will be doing. His videos are Open Ended. Although they are Musical at times.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Shout 2000 Music By Disturbed

S.0.P.G. Presents Shout 2000 Music By Disturbed. It's Really a pleasure to work with the Musical group Disturbed. This video was Directed by Samuel J Desantos and it is open for interpretation. I thought it was really a Stunning Music Video and it shows some really good action packed scenes from Africa in the 1950's. I hope it doesn't break Any ones heart to see the footage. Enjoy, check it out!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents I know Placebo

S.0.P.G. Presents I Know Music By Placebo. Hey everyone, I made this video to show that we as a society should not practice absenteeism and Isolationism! Check it out, Placebo Everyone!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Sweat Music By Tool

S.0.P.G. Presents Sweat Music By Tool. This video was produced to combat Human trafficking , also to help treat Toxoplasmosis and lock Jaw also known as tetanus. Also this video was made to bring awareness of alcoholism and the need to fund drunk drivers meetings and counselings. This video was actually really fun to work on and for a good cause! check it out!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Anyway Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents Anyway Music By Wolfsheim. This music video was Directed by Samuel Desantos. P.S. Is it really about the spider? Anyway. Wolfsheim everyone!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Hushabye Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Hushabye Music By KoRn. I made this video for the band KoRn to deal with their issues. This video was also Directed and Produced for all the victims of single mother hood and Protectionism. Please help these kids find their way. This video is also for everyone who needs it as well and is a good start in helping them deal with their issues. I think this video is eye opening because it shows how neglect can stay with a child for a long time. Especially in a single mother environment.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Good God Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Good God Music By KoRn. This video was Directed and Produced to help the medical aid in Georgia. I thank the band KoRn and all of it's members they have been so nice to me with helping in this video. They are so cool. I pray that people in Georgia are not becoming slaves to the mighty Russian Military please help them over there! What a mess!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents I Won't Believe Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents I Won't Believe Music By Wolfsheim. This Video was Directed and Produced to Show how sometimes you shouldn't follow the same road for a false Jesus. We shouldn't settle when it comes to God or the Holy One. America's Jesus is false.

Friday, April 17, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents B.Y.O.B. Music By System Of A Down

S.0.P.G. Presents B.Y.O.B. Music By System Of A Down. This Video was Directed to spread the word of the violence in Georgia and other parts of NATO. Please help the Innocence in Georgia recover from this brutal steam roll by the Russian army. World war! This video also entailed future events that are yet to come. This video was done using, love! Love is not currently part of the USA right now! Love in America died on sept 11th 2001. Russia is ready for World War!

America might have made a bad choice strategically in entering Iraq. I ask Obama to please Pull out all American Soldiers from Iraq & Afghanistan and arrest former President Bush Junior and Senior for war crimes against "UN Officials"! Former President Bush senior and junior Lied to the American people and he needs to be arrested and charged in a court room where everyone can see.

You Tube and WMG again a terrorist company.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Now I Fall Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents Now I Fall Music By Wolfsheim. This video was Directed & Produced to bring light and awareness of the effects of Bio Terror. After the Events of September 9/11/ 2001. Everyone Should be Concerned with Bio Terror. Don't let anyone tell you that you shouldn't save a friend. After a Bio Terror Attack Make sure you trash the clothes and or put it in a Bio hazard proof bag if possible. Make Sure you take a long bath or shower where possible after you have been hit by Bio Terror! This minimizes the effects on your body! Thank you for Your Viewership and sticking with S.0.P.G.

S.0.P.G. is here for you!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Bottled Up Inside Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Bottled Up Inside Music By KoRn. This video is proof that sometimes people need to clean out their ears. We don't need more Sarah palin's blocking funding for geological studies. Sometimes, I feel like I'm the earth bottled up inside. Please help the people of L'Aquila Italy with the recovery efforts. S.0.P.G. Donates this video to the relief efforts. Please broadcast this video anywhere where there is people sitting around. Please send money and construction vehicles. Thank you.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Hating Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Hating Music By KoRn. This video was directed and produced to show all the haters whats up. Also to show everyone that you should always hang on to faith except when she cheats on you! This video is dedicated to Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher AKA "Joe The broke back door Plumber". Remember the broke Back Door? How Easily we forget!

I just talked to momma bird, and she said this video was not Gay, homosexual or Anal rape, in any way. This is what is wrong with the republican party right now. A lot of plumbers are coming in thinking that they are men that can raise kids. I know Joe being in the plumbing industry can relate to this. The only way you can raise kids is by loving them unconditionally. No Matter What! Other wise you end up being at war with your kids. This can cause a global disaster, that America will not recover from.

The events of September 9/11/2001 is very tragic, I ask everyone to say a prayer for new york city and California today. With the Economy the way it is. Social injustice, War in the middle east, Flooding on a biblical scale we should all say a prayer. I know I just did. Amen.

Again Momma Bird Officially thinks this video is not gay except for the mentioning of "broke back 911". Momma Bird thinks the Broke Back police is in fact Homosexual!

Anyway, Also America should get out of the middle east. Thanks for watching guys!


Samuel J DeSantos

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

S.0.P.G. News Update!

After S.0.P.G. Received Many Awards for best Music Video on you tube, the USA Government Issued Orders for cut backs at S.0.P.G. Apparently they are a tad bit concerned with our graphic violence, and rated NC17 videos. Our Share Holders need more love apparently, Like the videos I direct for them are not enough. This is a shame. Unwanted love is still love you know. I'm sorry I forgot to remember my pain!

The music videos at S.0.P.G. Are an expression of Love. Love for myself and others. You have to love you self before you can love anyone! A US Soldier told me this. If America can't deal with it, then they need to get ready for the war that's to come. Genocide will not be tolerated by anyone once the word is out. What Is the USA afraid of.

As far as I am concerned the USA Government is now in crisis mode. This means that financially S.0.P.G. is willing to make cut backs and massive donations at the same time. Although we will not compromise on love. This is the key factor on why we started S.0.P.G. to begin with.

America doesn't want S.0.P.G. to use the fairness doctrine, This is simply Because America is now against freedom of speech and now against my benefice. Our Programs Should have different views. Its what makes us Alive.

Both Republicans and Liberals Should be for the fairness doctrine (with equality of course) . Its What is keeping freedom of speech and freedom of expression alive.

Monday, March 9, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Lies Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Lies Music By KoRn . This Video was produced to help create more jobs in the movie and video game industry. Also to take care of kids in the ghetto. This video features the (Octo Mom) Nadya Suleman. What a brave Woman!! She is very talented and I wish her and her kids the best. Fox News Should be Ashamed to be against gods Army. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Right Now Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Right Now Music By KoRn. Hi everyone. S.0.P.G. Just finished production on Right now. Music video for KoRn. Remember folks buy lots and lots of cow brains! Its good for you and has lots of vitamins in it. Its very nutritious, and good for your body. Just not from Yack In The Box. Their Food is nasty!! Oh and remember food is not love unless you play with it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents "I'm Hiding" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents "I'm Hiding" Music By KoRn . This video is a prayer for me and others that are feeling pain, and that want gods blessing, Amen!

Monday, February 23, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Beg For Me Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Just finished production on "Beg For Me" Music By KoRn. This Music Video was Directed and Produced to help the blind kids in the Ghetto of San Francisco CA Take a bath and afford clean drinking water and soap with out begging for it. Jesus was pro bath party and pro bath house! :) Also for my "Issues" and unanswered prayers!! Oh and also for my future X girl friends, just realize that Jesus died on the cross for your pretty face. May my prayers be answered and may I receive nothing but the best from the world! Amen!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Thoughtless Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Thoughtless Music By KoRn. This video was Directed & produced to show how thoughtless some people can be. Enjoy.

Friday, February 6, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Where Greed Talks Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents Where Greed Talks Music By Wolfsheim. This video was directed and produced to help bring light and awareness of the need for clean drinking water in California. This is a serious problem in the golden state. Together lets make the water safe to drink again. Also This video was directed to remind ourselves of the need to fix the broken 911 system in the USA. The USA continues to neglect the 911systems. Its still not free for everyone that lives here in this country and pays taxes. This is a huge problem and oversight and most likely will cause the next terrorist attack. The security of this country is very important. Join me at S.0.P.G. to fight for love and what is right.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hey everyone!

The entity known as S.0.P.G. has a new video out exclusively on . The video is called "It's On" Music By KoRn. You can find the link to S.0.P.G. You Tube Below.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Army Of Me Music By Bjork

S.0.P.G. Presents Army Of Me Music By Bjork. This video was produced to fight Genocide. Enjoy.

Monday, January 19, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Light Speed Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents Light Speed Music By Wolfsheim. This Video was directed and produced to keep all emergency calls free in the USA and abroad. After September 11th, 2001, the united states security continues to be an issue. Lets help keep 911 emergency free for all peoples, and entities. This video is light...speed. Enjoy!

Friday, January 16, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Dropping Plates Music By Disturbed

S.0.P.G. Presents Dropping Plates Music By Disturbed. This Video was Directed & produced to fight world Hunger. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents It's On (African Version) Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents It's On (African Version) Music By KoRn. This video was made to combat the African American genocide currently happening here in America. The black youth are being killed in large numbers. Please help me spread the word. It was reported on the news recently that black babies are being targeted for death. Via planned parent hoods donations to abort only blacks, of course china aborts white babies. Although this is the USA. The nation that talks about freedom for all! There is other genocide happening here in America as well. This genocide must be stopped at all costs. President elect obama of course would rather go on his vacation and tell us to shut up.. well We are not gonna take it. Enjoy It's On!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents Blame Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Blame Music By KoRn . This video is for America. It's time for the genocide to stop! With president elect Obama in office now this is going to make things even worse. His policy of abortion and death must end. Isolationism must be stopped! Alternative medicine must be passed in the house and senate as soon as possible. Including laws to keep Marijuana free to grow for medical use with out a card! People can not afford to be sick like this! Lets put Genocide to an end before America turns into a 3rd world nation, or gets attacked again.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

S.0.P.G. Presents "I Find You're Gone" Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents "I Find You're Gone" Music By Wolfsheim . I find you're here. Enjoy.