Sunday, May 16, 2010

S.0.P.G. Presents Voodoo Too Music By God Smack

This video was directed and produced by Samuel J Desantos for everyone that is cool with Voodoo Too...Remember the Mystic Spirits are real. I know this because I come from Brazil..where the Voodoo Too is very prevalent and there is Macumba everywhere in Brazil. The Anaconda is very strong and powerful and it will eat its prey alive! It has been known to eat humans. This video is a direct response to anyone including Christians that doubt the Mystic Spirits! In this video you can see the Mystic Spirits working! :) The goat sacrifice is meant as an offering to the Spirits. I personally believe in Mystic Spirits, Magic, and ghosts so this was really cool working on this video. Christian doubters will continue to preach their rhetoric, even though there has been actual proof of hauntings and unexplainable phenomena in the past. Leave me some feed back on this music video. Let me know what you think!


Samuel J Desantos

Monday, May 3, 2010

S.0.P.G Hires "Fix It, You Racists"!

S.0.P.G. Hires Fix It, You Racists. Its been How many years since 9/11 and still nothing has been put up to fix the World Trade Center? Where did all the Racists Go with the Money? Swiss Bank Accounts or something? So We Welcome "Fix It, You Racists" to the team.