S.0.P.G. Just finished production on our latest music video for System Of A Down. The Music Video is called "P.L.U.C.K". The only response to genocide is a "Revolution"! Although, Any Form Of Revolution Is Now Viewed As Marxist and Communist By The US Government! Carl Marx was Just One Man However, These protesters can be a million if we want to! Forget Cuba, Forget Russia, This is about whats happening here at home in the USA! The lyrics in this song really ring true! Even after the events of 9/11/2001. The U.S. Government still, will not tell the people the truth! They are committing genocide in broad day light here in the USA and in Iraq! There needs to be a new 9/11 commission into this matter!
Thanks Everyone!
Samuel J Desantos
Freedom Of Speech Is Defective In America!
It is very unfortunate that freedom of speech is not here in this country
right now. Freedom of speech is not working in America as well as it
should. The ...
12 years ago