Wednesday, October 29, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Liar" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Liar Music By KoRn. This video I produced to depict all the woman that are liars in my life. Look at the news reporters very carefully. This is true sexuality at its best, sexual nature is like a bazaar now. From Joe the Plumber jack 3 pack, to Joe the plumbers, racist momma making him a gay Plumber. This is why it is a very important election year friends! Even when it comes to love! It is slowly becoming, the election of , "we know we can do this as America" and "no you can't do this as America". Very scary! Vote for the person that is about love! :) Oh yea, and I still need a "neural surgeon", and my gay colored shoes "911/Human events"! I feel the love just flooding through my UN veins! Very Very touching American art right here!! Be warned!

Monday, October 27, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Panic Song Music By Green Day

S.0.P.G. Presents Panic Song Music By Green Day. This video was produced to show everyone that the 911 system in the USA is broken, doesnt work still! Please Join me and the United Nations in helping fix the broken 911 system here in the USA.

Friday, October 24, 2008

S.0.P.G. presents "Twisted Hypocrit3 Transistor" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. presents "Twisted Hypocrit3 Transistor" Music By KoRn. This music video was produced for everyone to shake their booty "equally"! Enjoy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "It's on 3" Music By KoRn.

S.0.P.G. Presents "It's on 3" Music By KoRn. This video was produced for me, by me, Samuel Desantos, to remind myself and my fellow Americans that we need to watch ourselves more! I feel Americans are turning into mental midgets now, because of lack of faith, lack of a strong foundation, and togetherness. Also not allowing others to play and learn at the same time. This is really sad. Not Joe the plumber sad, but "unjust" war sad. After you view this music video take a minute to pray "with" me for America.....California is slowly falling into the "sea" now, Along with NY city, from the lack of judgment in the white house. There is so much waste in the waters it is just amazing, and McCain wants to talk about a plumber!! Hahah, the joke is on you! Why doesn't he tell "Joe the plumber" to get suited up for nuclear waste Clean up!! It might help his business boom! Too slow McCain! That's right your for poisoning the planet with nuclear waste!! Pathetic, and I'm not putting words in his mouth. John McCain is running on false hope and "Joe the Plumber"! I hope he changes soon "Or" he will lose this election and have to move back to china. McCain you have Cancer please give up the nuclear waste production and hire "Joe the plumber" so his broke a$$ can pay back all his High crimes tax evasion that he did! What a bum McCain is and Joe the plumber!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Drastic cut backs hit S.0.P.G.

I'm very sorry to inform everyone, We had to make some cut backs due to the sluggish economy here in the USA. We have laid off all of our team members at S.0.P.G., except for myself "Samuel J Desantos ", the sole art director, I always have a job here. They all were laid off, On News that (momma bird) said my last video sucked a$$. I'm sorry to tell everyone. Although her influence of greed is massive at S.0.P.G right now. All of our workers have been fired. Yes even my "God"(False god to her), False sin ( real sin to her), education(dumb to her), and i wouldn't have guessed it in a million years but, yes also ed-u-macation (not funny to her) even though he is Sarah Palins love child talking out loud. Jesus told me it was best. Something about helping me in the next few days. Jesus said he is watching everyone in the USA still. That's what matters most right now! This will currently not effect S.0.P.G.'s staff in any way. We are still on schedule to launch our latest video soon in the next few days.

:) Thank you come again!

S.0.P.G. Presents "Pastoral" Music By Beethoven

S.0.P.G. Presents "Pastoral" Music By Beethoven. We directed and produced this video to show the world that we need more love, and not hate. Remember love starts at home! Check it out! Give us some feed back here at S.0.P.G!

Monday, October 20, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "The Party 2" Music By KoRn .

S.0.P. Global Presents "The Party 2" Music By KoRn . This video was directed & produced to Combat human trafficking here in the USA. This is a growing problem that needs to stop. I see huge sanctions coming soon to the USA, if the victims are not rehabilitated and brought back to their home countries safe. Living conditions, working conditions, and citizen safety here in the USA for human trafficking victims are unacceptable. Taking a "bath" is a basic human right that is given to me from The Lord God!! America has received GOD REVENGE and will continue to receive it if it does not stop its evil ways! Human trafficking victims being held here, will result in sanctions against the USA!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "I'm Going Crazy" Music By Electrosexual & Scream Club

S.0.P. Global Presents "I'm Going Crazy" Music By Electrosexual & Scream Club. I Directed & produced this video to fight and combat human trafficking in America! Check it out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

S.0.P. Presents "Everything I've Known" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Presents "Everything I've Known" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to Combat human trafficking in the USA and around the world. Although my focus is mainly the USA. This total is raising on a daily basis and needs to be stopped. People being kept here against their will is wrong. This is called terrorism! Countries like the USA committing this crime can and will be sanctioned by the UN. Poor living conditions, lack of safe work environments, no health care, lack of freedom of speech. All of this is a UN violation! No one should be kept in a country they don't want to be in!

Monday, October 13, 2008

S.0.P Global presents "I want to know what love is"

S.0.P Global presents "I want to know what love is". Love is what is most important! This video was produced again to combat human trafficking here in the USA. Human trafficking is against UN laws, and can result in sanctions against the USA. If America doesn't not reduce its number of human trafficking victims soon this will create a world problem with the UN united nations getting involved. Please report human trafficking! Love is what is most important not human trafficking with poor living conditions, and forced work, with mockery, and no Jesus! This is a terrorist act! No one should be kept in a country against their will!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "Love Song" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Love Song" Music By KoRn. This music video was produced and directed to help stop the human trafficking in the USA. This is a real issue going on in this country. Especially after 911. Lets help stop human trafficking. If you are a victim of human trafficking. Please contact your home countries embassy right away, you can be sent home for free. Also have a look at the following website. No country has the right to keep you here in the USA against your will! That is considered Human Trafficking and is a violation of the international laws of the UN. Sancations can and will be put in place against countires not complying with trafficking laws including the USA.

Monday, October 6, 2008

S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) Music By KoRn

S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) . This video was produced & directed by Samuel Desantos to show the power of the mighty Russian military. Don't join them in the crowd they are being marked as evil but not saved, Kind of like the Latino kids in America (I also think they are racist in the Ukraine a bit, due to western influence). Proof America is racist still! Parts of this video was shot in the Ukraine. This video, Its a call to reduced military spending Russian style. Scary! Also to increase the water testing and produce new water treatment facilities in America and mother Russia for all the children of the KoЯn. Enjoy "It's On".

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "Make believe" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Make believe" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to increase our testing of the water systems in schools, Also to fight world huger. Don't forget, Cow Brains are super super good for you to eat! Buy cow brains lots and lots of cow brains! Its so good and has lots of vitamins in it. Its good fried like eggs! It tastes so good! Ask your local market today if you can buy one fresh!! If you can't buy one then, Demand it! Yell For it!

S.0.P. Global Presents "Too Late I'm Dead" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Too Late I'm Dead" Music By KoRn . Directed by Samuel Desantos, This video was Produced to show everyone that the 911 system here in the USA is Broken beyond repair, and needs to be fixed still! This is why I urge all my viewers to try to block all adds from human! Do whatever it takes to shut that website down! This website has tried to censor me for my previous video "dead bodies everywhere"! Along with other websites such as right minds and . Also GodTube aswell! All godless websites. The video Too late I'm dead was in production all this time. So this is a serious matter. They didn't even bother to send me my gay colored shoes yet! How funny! No ones laughing! Line Crossed America.