Monday, December 22, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Justin Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Justin Music By KoRn . This video was produced to help the people of Ukraine and the world deal with the radioactive fall out from the catastrophe at Chernobyl. They are still dealing with it till this day! It took so many lives! Also spread to Europe as well. I ask everyone watching to realize that this kind of thing can and will eventually happen here in the USA, and it won't look as pretty. Nuclear energy is not safe by any means. Lets help reduce nuclear waste in this country and stop nuclear waste production all together! Open up America, open up! If Joe the plumber wants to go do some plumbing.. he can start over there in the Ukraine if he is christian!

Monday, December 15, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Dirty Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Dirty Music By KoRn. This video was produced to combat genocide in America. Enjoy.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents It's On Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents It's On Music By KoRn. This video was produced & directed by Samuel Desantos to show the power of the mighty Russian military. Don't join them in the crowd they are being marked as evil but not saved, Kind of like the Latino kids in America (I also think they are racist in the Ukraine a bit, due to western influence). Proof America is racist still! Parts of this video was shot in the Ukraine. This video, Its a call to reduced military spending Russian style. Scary! Also to increase the water testing and produce new water treatment facilities both in America and mother Russia for all the children of the KoЯn. Enjoy "It's On".

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "My Gift To You" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents "My Gift To You" Music By KoRn. Enjoy. Lets save the kids that come from broken homes!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Another Brick In The Wall" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents "Another Brick In The Wall" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to bring awareness to the need to provide funding for kids from broken homes. It is very hard to teach kids that come from broken homes!

Friday, December 5, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "White Wedding" By Billy Idol

S.0.P.G. Presents "White Wedding" By Billy Idol. Its never too late to have a White Wedding. Lets stop the violence & Genocide together with education and love!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Let's Get This Party Started" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents "Let's Get This Party Started" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to bring light and awareness of the Genocide of Muslims happening now in India, and other parts of the world. In India Muslims are being targeted for death and beaten on the streets of Gujarat. Never say Never! Also to point out the Genocide happening here in America!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Creep 2" Music by KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents "Creep 2" Music by KoRn. This video was produced to bring light and awareness to the need for depleted uranium testing for our troops at home and over seas.

Friday, November 14, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Youth & Greed" Music By Wolfsheim

S.0.P.G. Presents "Youth & Greed" Music By Wolfsheim. I thought that I would never direct an Anime. Although wow, here it goes guys! What an amazing music video.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Twisted "Hypocrit3" Transistor Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Twisted "Hypocrit3" Transistor Music By KoRn. This video was produced for all the people that want to join Seenote 0 productions global still! The door is still open for everyone that would like to join our team!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Justin Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Justin Music By KoRn . This video was produced to help the people of Ukraine and the world deal with the radioactive fall out from the catastrophe at Chernobyl. They are still dealing with it till this day! It took so many lives! Also spread to Europe as well. I ask everyone watching to realize that this kind of thing can and will eventually happen here in the USA, and it won't look as pretty. Nuclear energy is not safe by any means. Lets help reduce nuclear waste in this country and stop nuclear waste production all together! Open up America, open up! If Joe the plumber wants to go do some plumbing.. he can start over there in the Ukraine if he is christian!

Monday, November 3, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "I want to know what love is" Music By Foreigner

S.0.P.G. Presents "I want to know what love is" Music By Foreigner . This video was produced really to help fix the broken 911 system here in the USA. Also to show people that you have to get off the script and travel near and far to help people in need! Animals are just as important as people, lets make sure that we treat our animals with love and respect! The environment is also important, the Nanga mountain is very beautiful! Lets help preserve it. Zoo's are becoming more and more about just making money and not taking care of their animals in need. This is wrong! We shouldn't tolerate this kind of thing in this country. Help protect the animals of the wild. Also, make sure you love someone, or some thing today, it really matters!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "Liar" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. Presents Liar Music By KoRn. This video I produced to depict all the woman that are liars in my life. Look at the news reporters very carefully. This is true sexuality at its best, sexual nature is like a bazaar now. From Joe the Plumber jack 3 pack, to Joe the plumbers, racist momma making him a gay Plumber. This is why it is a very important election year friends! Even when it comes to love! It is slowly becoming, the election of , "we know we can do this as America" and "no you can't do this as America". Very scary! Vote for the person that is about love! :) Oh yea, and I still need a "neural surgeon", and my gay colored shoes "911/Human events"! I feel the love just flooding through my UN veins! Very Very touching American art right here!! Be warned!

Monday, October 27, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents Panic Song Music By Green Day

S.0.P.G. Presents Panic Song Music By Green Day. This video was produced to show everyone that the 911 system in the USA is broken, doesnt work still! Please Join me and the United Nations in helping fix the broken 911 system here in the USA.

Friday, October 24, 2008

S.0.P.G. presents "Twisted Hypocrit3 Transistor" Music By KoRn

S.0.P.G. presents "Twisted Hypocrit3 Transistor" Music By KoRn. This music video was produced for everyone to shake their booty "equally"! Enjoy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

S.0.P.G. Presents "It's on 3" Music By KoRn.

S.0.P.G. Presents "It's on 3" Music By KoRn. This video was produced for me, by me, Samuel Desantos, to remind myself and my fellow Americans that we need to watch ourselves more! I feel Americans are turning into mental midgets now, because of lack of faith, lack of a strong foundation, and togetherness. Also not allowing others to play and learn at the same time. This is really sad. Not Joe the plumber sad, but "unjust" war sad. After you view this music video take a minute to pray "with" me for America.....California is slowly falling into the "sea" now, Along with NY city, from the lack of judgment in the white house. There is so much waste in the waters it is just amazing, and McCain wants to talk about a plumber!! Hahah, the joke is on you! Why doesn't he tell "Joe the plumber" to get suited up for nuclear waste Clean up!! It might help his business boom! Too slow McCain! That's right your for poisoning the planet with nuclear waste!! Pathetic, and I'm not putting words in his mouth. John McCain is running on false hope and "Joe the Plumber"! I hope he changes soon "Or" he will lose this election and have to move back to china. McCain you have Cancer please give up the nuclear waste production and hire "Joe the plumber" so his broke a$$ can pay back all his High crimes tax evasion that he did! What a bum McCain is and Joe the plumber!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Drastic cut backs hit S.0.P.G.

I'm very sorry to inform everyone, We had to make some cut backs due to the sluggish economy here in the USA. We have laid off all of our team members at S.0.P.G., except for myself "Samuel J Desantos ", the sole art director, I always have a job here. They all were laid off, On News that (momma bird) said my last video sucked a$$. I'm sorry to tell everyone. Although her influence of greed is massive at S.0.P.G right now. All of our workers have been fired. Yes even my "God"(False god to her), False sin ( real sin to her), education(dumb to her), and i wouldn't have guessed it in a million years but, yes also ed-u-macation (not funny to her) even though he is Sarah Palins love child talking out loud. Jesus told me it was best. Something about helping me in the next few days. Jesus said he is watching everyone in the USA still. That's what matters most right now! This will currently not effect S.0.P.G.'s staff in any way. We are still on schedule to launch our latest video soon in the next few days.

:) Thank you come again!

S.0.P.G. Presents "Pastoral" Music By Beethoven

S.0.P.G. Presents "Pastoral" Music By Beethoven. We directed and produced this video to show the world that we need more love, and not hate. Remember love starts at home! Check it out! Give us some feed back here at S.0.P.G!

Monday, October 20, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "The Party 2" Music By KoRn .

S.0.P. Global Presents "The Party 2" Music By KoRn . This video was directed & produced to Combat human trafficking here in the USA. This is a growing problem that needs to stop. I see huge sanctions coming soon to the USA, if the victims are not rehabilitated and brought back to their home countries safe. Living conditions, working conditions, and citizen safety here in the USA for human trafficking victims are unacceptable. Taking a "bath" is a basic human right that is given to me from The Lord God!! America has received GOD REVENGE and will continue to receive it if it does not stop its evil ways! Human trafficking victims being held here, will result in sanctions against the USA!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "I'm Going Crazy" Music By Electrosexual & Scream Club

S.0.P. Global Presents "I'm Going Crazy" Music By Electrosexual & Scream Club. I Directed & produced this video to fight and combat human trafficking in America! Check it out.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

S.0.P. Presents "Everything I've Known" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Presents "Everything I've Known" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to Combat human trafficking in the USA and around the world. Although my focus is mainly the USA. This total is raising on a daily basis and needs to be stopped. People being kept here against their will is wrong. This is called terrorism! Countries like the USA committing this crime can and will be sanctioned by the UN. Poor living conditions, lack of safe work environments, no health care, lack of freedom of speech. All of this is a UN violation! No one should be kept in a country they don't want to be in!

Monday, October 13, 2008

S.0.P Global presents "I want to know what love is"

S.0.P Global presents "I want to know what love is". Love is what is most important! This video was produced again to combat human trafficking here in the USA. Human trafficking is against UN laws, and can result in sanctions against the USA. If America doesn't not reduce its number of human trafficking victims soon this will create a world problem with the UN united nations getting involved. Please report human trafficking! Love is what is most important not human trafficking with poor living conditions, and forced work, with mockery, and no Jesus! This is a terrorist act! No one should be kept in a country against their will!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "Love Song" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Love Song" Music By KoRn. This music video was produced and directed to help stop the human trafficking in the USA. This is a real issue going on in this country. Especially after 911. Lets help stop human trafficking. If you are a victim of human trafficking. Please contact your home countries embassy right away, you can be sent home for free. Also have a look at the following website. No country has the right to keep you here in the USA against your will! That is considered Human Trafficking and is a violation of the international laws of the UN. Sancations can and will be put in place against countires not complying with trafficking laws including the USA.

Monday, October 6, 2008

S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) Music By KoRn

S.0.P Global Presents "Its On" (Russian Version) . This video was produced & directed by Samuel Desantos to show the power of the mighty Russian military. Don't join them in the crowd they are being marked as evil but not saved, Kind of like the Latino kids in America (I also think they are racist in the Ukraine a bit, due to western influence). Proof America is racist still! Parts of this video was shot in the Ukraine. This video, Its a call to reduced military spending Russian style. Scary! Also to increase the water testing and produce new water treatment facilities in America and mother Russia for all the children of the KoЯn. Enjoy "It's On".

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

S.0.P. Global Presents "Make believe" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Make believe" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to increase our testing of the water systems in schools, Also to fight world huger. Don't forget, Cow Brains are super super good for you to eat! Buy cow brains lots and lots of cow brains! Its so good and has lots of vitamins in it. Its good fried like eggs! It tastes so good! Ask your local market today if you can buy one fresh!! If you can't buy one then, Demand it! Yell For it!

S.0.P. Global Presents "Too Late I'm Dead" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Global Presents "Too Late I'm Dead" Music By KoRn . Directed by Samuel Desantos, This video was Produced to show everyone that the 911 system here in the USA is Broken beyond repair, and needs to be fixed still! This is why I urge all my viewers to try to block all adds from human! Do whatever it takes to shut that website down! This website has tried to censor me for my previous video "dead bodies everywhere"! Along with other websites such as right minds and . Also GodTube aswell! All godless websites. The video Too late I'm dead was in production all this time. So this is a serious matter. They didn't even bother to send me my gay colored shoes yet! How funny! No ones laughing! Line Crossed America.

Monday, September 29, 2008

S.0.P. Presents It's On Music by KoRn

S.0.P. Presents "It's On" Music By KoRn. This video was produced to show all that the Brazilian military is still one of the best in the world. Remember Jesus Saves! Join Brazil and the UN in helping fix the broken and dilapidated 911 system here in the USA! Also for anyone wanting to go to Brazil contact your local Brazilian embassy. Enjoy, It's On.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

S.0.P. Presents "The Clock" Music By Joseph Haydn

S.0.P. Presents "The Clock". Music By Joseph Haydn . This video was produced for my home country Brazil. Lets All go visit Iguassu falls, The best water fall in the world!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

S.0.P. Presents "Got Money" Music By KoRn

S.0.P. Presents Got Money For KoRn. This video was produced to show everyone that the word hoe is forever lost in the annals of our youth. Anyway.. enjoy!

S.0. Productions Presents TearJerker Music By KoRn

I love Ann Coulter. She is such a great person, and teacher. There is lots more she could teach me. Like how to love. God bless her. S.0. Production presents "TearJerker" Music by korn.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

S.0. Productions presents "No One's There". Music By KoЯn

S.0. Productions Presents "No One's There". For KoЯn. For anyone still dealing with the Mr Rogers video this video still applies. This video was produced to show everyone that the 911 system should be free and fixed here in the states. If we want a safe Americas! Lets fix the broken 911 system with help of the UN, United Nations! Freedom should be free for everyone in the states! Lets help make "911" free for all phones and mobile devices!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More censorship of S.0. Productions, When will this end!

Human, and right minds have crossed the line By trying to ban me from its website. This means that human is not only a terrorist website but a complete and utter muppet show!

I urge all of my viewers to contact the BBB, (Better Business Bureau) Or ( and show Human that we respect freedom of speech in this country! Lets get the Human website "shut down" for terrorism on American Soil. I have won a pervious battle against Sony entertainment of america for faulty products so lets show these guys that we mean business!! We are not gonna be bullied by their spam and then not be able to post what we want!

Human events is trying to block me from posting "Dead Bodies Everywhere" Video. Even though it is related to politics in every way! This music video was produced to help our failing school systems in major cities everywhere see the light! Also to help test our water systems. Its very important for our kids future!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Dead Bodies Everywhere" Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions Presents "Dead Bodies Everywhere" for KoRn. This music video was produced to help our failing school systems in major cities everywhere see the light! Also to help test our water systems. Its very important for our kids future!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Mr Rogers" Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions Presents "Mr Rogers" For KoRn. This music video was Produced to help the Broken 911 System here in the USA . Kitties stuck in an engine is not worth a 911 call?? I dont think so 911!

S.0. Productions Presents "Hypocrits" Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions Presents "Hypocrits" for The Band "KoRn". This music video was produced to bring to light the need to stop all Abortions in America. Also for most churches in this country to stop being hyrpocrits with faith and togetherness! Also to show the Nazi Government of America that I will not tolerate a corrupt society such as what i see now in this country, with total and utter lack of compassion for life as we know it. This kind of immorality needs to stop. If we start to make life unimportant no matter what size, Then we start a snowball effect, that we do not want in this country! (example my Kittie when i called 911 in USA) If those officers had came that day.. Instead of giving me some lame duck excuse. Like "call some other number, you have the wrong number, don't call this number for that"..They might have saved the other 2 kitties from dying later! You know The man that had that car was very irresponsible. He parked his car all over the place with oil leaking everywhere. What an asshole this man was! We lost so many cats to this man! Also after 2 cats died. he still didn't do anything and another one died too! I still remember it! This is not something we want in this country! Anyway.. This is why I'm thinking of voting Republican 08! We need change. I'm pro life and pro ASS POWER!

Peace out


Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

S.0. Productions presents "Jambi" Music by Tool

S.0. Production presents Jambi for tool. Again this video is for testing our water systems. Also this video is proof that God exists. Also proof that we have collective consciousness. I think I have found a nut as well, no?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hey Everyone, Bad news..

S.0. Productions just Fired "X love enigma X". She hasn't made 1 video. She doesn't even have the taste to come pick me up cause I'm blind and half vampire and christian. She was told to pack her bags and leave. This will not effect S.0. 's Productions staff in anyway. We are moving forward with business as usual. The only news I have is that you tube is officially a terrorist company.

Peace out.

S.0. Productions Presents "Blind" Music by KoRn

S.0. Productions presents Blind for KoRn. This video was made for my kitty that got its leg broken and "911" did nothing about it when I called. This was very traumatic for me as a kid on top of my past child hood issues. Oh and for my X girl friends. Remember I'm half vampire and half blind, You should drive next time if you have Superior vision and a job. Also this video is for MCCAIN & ASS POWER 08! ASS POWER!!

Final thoughts on my kitty! Well luckily my kitty had god on its side. I was able to fix its leg myself with out the help of 911 and its broken system in the USA! With a make shift Crutch..The car didn't kill it. That was gods work that saved the kitty! 911 did nothing ..poor police officers .. they could have had a Field day with that one.. and got like super duper vacation time! oh well..I thought it was a goner for sure! You know I really need a life partner after saving some of these kids in the ghetto. Although the sad part was that 2 other kitties died in the same car..They liked staying in the engine. damn these old cars! Damn them to hell! Unfortunately my kitty was given away we couldn't keep it because it was a small house we were living at. Sigh. I hope it was not put down!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

S.0. Production Presnts "Seen It All" Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions presents "Seen It All" For KoRn. This music video was directed by Samuel Desantos of course, a half vampire that is christian, for other vampires out in the vampire scene to remember that Jesus can still take you out, its not too late to repent of your sins and head to Christ. Also, I ask all half vampires please remember to be patient with god, Your full vampire teeth will come soon and you will be cleaned of your false sin, Amen. S.0.P. presentation .

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Hollow Life" Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions Presents "Hollow life" for korn. This music video was made to show how hollow people can be in terms of life science and the way they act in general Forgetting god and where they came from.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Science" Music by System of a down

S.0. Productions Presents "Science" for System of a down. This is really an amazing video that shows how faith is whats most important in life, no matter what faith you may believe in. Brazil is such a wonderful place to visit aswell. "Vidas de santos" Lives of saints! Jesus vive "Jesus Lives"! Its good to remember family values!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A question for S.0. Productions?

"Some people have asked us here at S.0. Productions what is a "Seenote" Exactly? Its When you see a note! Get it!! Hahaha I made a word"

Samuel Desantos

Thursday, August 21, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town", Music By WolfSheim

S.0. Productions presents the latest music video out for "Wolfsheim" Called "Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town"! S.0. Produced this video to save the Nuns in all parts of the world no matter what shape and size, Also to respect life no matter where it is! Save the Chimera's!! This music video is to show America that I don't need money to take my love to town! All I need is hard work and love! You can walk in the park, you can walk to the lake or shore, all these things shouldn't require rubies, All you need is your hands and feet to find them in the ruff!

P.S. I'm not a Chimera i swear! Although I wonder...

Monday, August 18, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Guarded" Music By Disturbed

S.0. Productions just finished production on "Guarded" for "Disturbed". This music video was done to show the issues we face when dealing with an inner devil. This is why its important to do whatever it takes to give unconditional love to everyone we meet!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Don't Fret 2" Musical Compliation by KoRn and Green Day

S.0. Productions just finished working with KoRn and Green Day. The musical/song is called "Don't fret 2". This music video was done really for my "ed-u-macation"and my "UNANSWERED PRAYERS". I think everyone needs to view this one. I feel as if its very important. I think everyone in the world should be able to take a bath don't you??

THANKS TO MY DEEP PRAYERS, AMERICA HAS FACED GOD REVENGE, BY MY PRAYERS !! The American "Nazi Military powers here in the USA and abroad" have already cowered in the wake of the return of the "GOD" this morning. Jesus is all mighty! Everyone has a right to take a bath! This is a human right, that the lord "GOD" gives to me, and to my future sons and daughters around the world! Its still possible. ALSO THE RIGHT FOR ME TO MAKE LIFE IS ALSO IMPORTANT! TAKE ME SERIOUSLY WHEN I SAY THIS! WITH OUT THESE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS IT MAKES SOCIETY CRUMBLE! I'M SAMUEL DESANTOS A MOVIE MAKER/ART DIRECTOR FROM BRAZIL. I'M WELCOMED TO AMERICA WITH ARMS "WIND OPEN" ! THANKS! WATCH MY MOVIES!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Jet pilot" Music by System Of A Down

Just finished wrapping up production on the latest music video for system of a down. Its called "Jet Pilot". This song really brings to light the need to love our animals and allow them to mate and take care of human life in every part of the world!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Don't Sorrow" Music by KoRn.


S.0. Productions Presents "Don't Sorrow" Music by KoRn.

Monday, July 28, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Starting Over" Music By KoRn

s.0. Productions Presents "Starting over" for KoRn. This video shows how America Received god revenge and will continue to receive it along with all the other terrorist companies. That mess with a child of god. I love working with koRn so much that i just had to make this video. They are so nice to me. It is a shame that we have things like this going on in this country. With so much lack of compassion for kids. This is why I think we need to improve our reading programs! Love you all, except for rush he needs to suck a finger. oh I need some people to make a difference with me, even with my music, and videos. God Dam it, Just drill and drill now!

See you later guys




Saturday, July 26, 2008

Want To Join The Team At S.0. Productions ?

Do you wanna make movies with me? I'm looking to add more members to S.0. Productions right away! Contact me for more info.

Friday, July 25, 2008

S.O. Productions Presents "Alive" Music by KoRn

S.O. Productions Just finished production on a new music video for KoRn. Its called Alive. Every being deserves life and the right to create life. We are alive, with education and love we can solve this problem in the world.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Trash" Music By KoRn

S.0. productions presents the music video "Trash" for KoRn. This video was done to show how nutritious cow brains are. Cow Brains are packed with lots of vitamins. Including vitamins A, E, and lots of protein. Ask your local supermarket today if you can buy one!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Samuel Begunoff Is An Entity

I Samuel Begunoff am an "Entity". Mama not me out, what a diablo!

Monday, July 14, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents to you "It's Not Too Late" Music By WolfSheim

S.0. Productions Presents to you "It's Not Too Late" By WolfSheim. We are not Hell boys and its still not too late!

Friday, July 11, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents To You "Kiss With Lyrics" Music By KoRn

S.0. production presents to you "Kiss With Lyrics". The song is done by "KoRn". This video depictes a scene from the passion. Before christ was curcifed and came back. I have added some effects to it to make it look better! Check it out!! I dedicate this to a true friend, jesus christ the lord!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents "Twist" Music By KoRn

S.0. production presents to you a new short Music video produced for "KoRn" and "Snoop dog". I think that they are both really cool artists. This one was really hard to make! The video is called "twist". love <3 !

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents To You "All Is full Of Love" Music By Bjork

S.0. Presents to you "All is full of love" for Bjork. I just Had to remake this video! I loved the song so much! I think its very original. It really brings to light some of the injustice that goes on in America and other places around the world, including famine and lack of love!

Friday, July 4, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents To You "Joga" By Bjork

S.0. Presents to you "Joga" for the entity known as bjork! She has such a peaceful and powerful voice. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents To You "Open Up" By KoRn

S.0. Presents to you "Open Up" music video for KoRn. This video was made to bring light and awareness to the need of depleted uranium testing for our troops and to keep our neighborhoods safe from water pollution.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents to you "I Saw The Sign" Music By Ace Of Base

S.0. Presents to you "I saw the Sign" for Ace Of Base. This video needed a good update with a green message.

Monday, June 30, 2008

S.0. Productions Presents To You "The Pot" Music By Tool

S.0. Presents to you "The Pot" music video for Tool. Dont forget to tool the pot every day of the year, not just seasonal.

S.0. Productions Presents To You "Love Song" Music By KoRn

S.0. Production presents to you "Love Song" This music video was made for the entity known as KoRn. As well as in conjunction with gaymart! That's right...09!

S.0. Productions Presents Chop Suey Music By "System Of A Down"

S.0. presents to you this music video for "System Of A Down", the title of the video is called "Chop Suey". This video is very graphic and shows Jesus before he was crucified.

S.0. Productions Presents Twisted "Hypocrite" Transistor Music By KoRn

S.0. Productions Presents to you this music video for the Entity "korn". The video is called "Twisted hypocrite transistor". Also in conjunction with gaymart! Offically a terrorist company!

S.0. Productions Presents "Anybodys Window" Music by Wolfsheim

I have just finished production on a very interesting music video for this German Band called "wolfsheim". This video Is called "Anybody's Window". They are really an amazing group! I loved their work so much I just had to make this video!